Thursday, August 26, 2010

Manual testing

Types of Test Level

1)Unit Testing
2)Integration Testing
3)System Testing
4)User Acceptance Testing(UAT)

Under System Testing two types

1)Functional Testing

Back end Testing
Usability Testing
Requirement Testing
GUI Testing
Compatibility Testing
Configuration Testing

2)Non- Functional Testing

Performance testing
Load Testing
Stress Testing
Secure Testing
Recovery Testing

Under User Acceptance Testing two types

1) Alpha Testing
It is a type of user acceptance testing done at developer sites main participate in this is customer, developer, and tester.

2) Beta Testing
It is a type of user acceptance testing done at client site and
end user check the system

                                   Types of testing

Static Testing also called as verification

Verification typically involves reviews and meetings to evaluate documents, plans, code, requirements, and specifications.

These static testing again divided in three types
1) Inspection
2) Walk through
3) Review

Dynamic Testing also called as validation

Validation typically involves actual testing i.e. Executing the code
These are two types

Test Techniques

1)White Box Testing
Testing based on an analysis of internal workings and structure of a piece of software,Also known as Structural Testing and Glass Box Testing, Open Box Testing, Clear Box Testing

2)Black Box Testing
Testing without knowledge of the internal workings of the item being tested. Tests are usually functional

CMM Levels- there are five levels of CMM (Capability Maturity Model)
1 Initial
2 Repeatable
3 Defined
4 Managed
5 Optimizing

SDLC Software Development Life Cycle

1 Requirement Analysis
2 Designs
3 Developments
4 Testing
5 Implementation/ Maintenance

Software Testing Life Cycle

Test Plan Preparation
Test Case Design
Test Execution and Test Log Preparation
Defect Tracking
Test Report Preparation